Sunday, January 4, 2015


The purpose of this post is to get acquainted with the cross-platform build automation system SCons.

Why SCons

In the past I've looked at boost-build and waf.

boost-build has a huge code base in its own scripting language jam. I don't want to learn that language. It is not general purpose. So in case of troubles I won't be able to dig into it. CMake, by the way, too, has its own scripting language.

It needs to use a general purpose scripting language. Since I'm used to Python I go for something in Python.

waf was too much work-in-progress, so it didn't have building knowledge implemented yet. It is actively developed, though, and I will look at it later again.

SCons and the build specification in a SConscript is written in Python. SCons knows about many tools. What I miss most about it, though, is that it is not Python 3 compatible yet.

The SCons user guide and man page gives a comprehensive coverage. But I feel more at ease if I have a rudimentary understanding of how it is implemented. Then I can look up things in the primary source of information, the code. It also helps in case of troubles.

The SCons code is at bitbucket.

Scons code

SConstruct and SConscript

SConstruct, the starting SConscript, is expected in the current directory, or somewhere above with -u.

SConscipt is normal python code, which has at its disposal globals like Program, SharedLibrary, StaticLibrary,..., Environment. You can use these to specify your building steps.

scons creates this environment for SConscript files, then forwards the SConscript to the python interpreter. The calls in the SConscript file create a node graphs, which scons uses to do the actual building afterwards.

The src directory

├── src
│   ...
│   └── engine
│       ...
│       └── SCons
│           ├──
│           │
│           ├── Node
│           │   ├ ...
│           ├── Options
│           │   ├ ...
│           ├── Platform
│           │   ├── ...
│           ├── Scanner
│           │   ├──
│           │   ├── ...
│           ├── Script
│           │   ├──
│           │   ├ ...
│           ├── Tool
│           │   ├ ...
│           ├── Variables
│           │   ├── ...
├── test
│   ├── ..

Environment, Action, Builder, ... Node, ... Options, ... Scanner, ... provide the tools to use in the SConscript.

Script contains the scons code that orchestrates everything, the command line parsing, the creation of the environment for SConscript, the building, ... It starts in Script/

Creation of SConscript Environment

I'll squash the code and comment it to convey an idea about what is going on. Don't skip these code squashes.

We start in

    #parse the command line
    parser = SConsOptions.Parser(version)
    values = SConsOptions.SConsValues(parser.get_default_values())
    _exec_main(parser, values) #function
        _main(parser) #function
            # get the SConscript file(s)
            sfile = _SConstruct_exists(repositories=options.repository,
            for script in scripts:
                # interpret SConscript files. further detail below
                SCons.Script._SConscript._SConscript(fs, script)
            #then build
            nodes = _build_targets(fs, options, targets, target_top)
                #in _build_targets
                #targets can come from the command line or
                targets = SCons.Script.BUILD_TARGETS
                #or the default target
                targets = SCons.Script._Get_Default_Targets(d, fs)
                #make nodes
                nodes = [_f for _f in map(Entry, targets) if _f]
                #and then run the required build tasks
                taskmaster = SCons.Taskmaster.Taskmaster(nodes, task_class, order, tmtrace)
                jobs = SCons.Job.Jobs(num_jobs, taskmaster)
       = jobs_postfunc)

_SConscript is where

  • the globals for the SConscript get provided
  • the SConscript files get interpreted by python

_SConscript is also called by the SConscript command placed in a SConscript file.

    for fn in files:#SConscript files
        call_stack.append(Frame(fs, exports, fn))
            #in Frame
                global GlobalDict
                d = SCons.Script.__dict__
                for m in filter(not_a_module, dir(SCons.Script)):
                     GlobalDict[m] = d[m]
        exec _file_ in call_stack[-1].globals

This means that the globals available to a SConscript are in:


Functions of a global default SConsEnvironment instance are made global as well.

SCons.Environment.Environment = SConsEnvironment
    global _default_env
    _default_env = SCons.Environment.Environment(*args, **kw)

#in Script/
for name in GlobalDefaultEnvironmentFunctions + GlobalDefaultBuilders:
    exec "%s = _SConscript.DefaultEnvironmentCall(%s)" % (name, repr(name))

Here is the list of the globals (Script/

BuildTask CleanTask QuestionTask AddOption GetOption SetOption Progress GetBuildFailures call_stack Action AddMethod AllowSubstExceptions Builder Configure Environment FindPathDirs Platform Return Scanner Tool WhereIs BoolVariable EnumVariable ListVariable PackageVariable PathVariable Chmod Copy Delete Mkdir Move Touch CScanner DScanner DirScanner ProgramScanner SourceFileScanner CScan DefaultEnvironment ARGUMENTS ARGLIST BUILD_TARGETS COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS DEFAULT_TARGETS Variables Options Command

and the default Environment functions made global (,

SConscript Default EnsurePythonVersion EnsureSConsVersion Exit Export GetLaunchDir Help Import SConscriptChdir AddPostAction AddPreAction Alias AlwaysBuild BuildDir CacheDir Clean Decider Depends Dir NoClean NoCache Entry Execute File FindFile FindInstalledFiles FindSourceFiles Flatten GetBuildPath Glob Ignore Install InstallAs Literal Local ParseDepends Precious Repository Requires SConsignFile SideEffect SourceCode SourceSignatures Split Tag TargetSignatures Value VariantDir CFile CXXFile DVI Jar Java JavaH Library M4 MSVSProject Object PCH PDF PostScript Program RES RMIC SharedLibrary SharedObject StaticLibrary StaticObject Tar TypeLibrary Zip Package

The Environment is a pivotal element. All variables, lists and classes are in it and can be addressed using $<variable>, which then will be substituted when needed.

    #the environment dict starts with
    self._dict = semi_deepcopy(SCons.Defaults.ConstructionEnvironment)
    self._dict['BUILDERS'] = BuilderDict(self._dict['BUILDERS'], self)
    self._dict['PLATFORM'] = str(platform)
    #then tools are added
    SCons.Tool.Initializers(self) #Install
    if tools is None:
        tools = self._dict.get('TOOLS', None)
        if tools is None:
            # sets up the default tools in SCons/Tool/__init__.tool_list
            tools = ['default']
    apply_tools(self, tools, toolpath)

Every tool is a module in the Tool folder.

class Tool(object):
        module = self._tool_module()
            #load the tool module
            return imp.load_module(, file, path, desc)
        self.generate = module.generate
    def __call__(self, env, *args, **kw):
        env.Append(TOOLS = [ ])
        #the tool module's generate fills the environment with variables, actions,...
        self.generate(env, *args, **kw)

Because of the default tools in tool_list in SCons/Tool/__init__ the environment gets populated with many construction variables (CCFLAGS, ASFLAGS,...).

System environment variables are not used, unless you choose to do so

import os
env = Environment(ENV = {'PATH' : os.environ['PATH']})

env['ENV'][PATH] is used in env.PrependENVPATH, env.AppendENVPath and env.WhereIs.

Actions, Builders and Scanners

Actions do the work. The action types are created using one function: Action. Depending on the parameters it generates one of these types:


The __call__() method takes Target, Source, env.

This example creates tst.txt at the time the SConscript is interpreted.

a=Action('touch tst.txt')

But actual execution is supposed to be done after the interpretation of SConscript orchestrated by Taskmaster.

A Builder wraps an action. And again there is a global Builder factory function. It either has an action or a generator parameter creating an action. A generator can be a function that yields another function or command(s). A builder can also take an emitter modifying target,source,env.

Calling the builder's __call__() creates nodes. The target nodes get an executor, which will execute the action after the SConscript has been interpreted, if necessary. A target will usually have sources that can be targets themselves. This makes up a nodes graphs. There are more of them. If not all targets should be built, specify the wanted one using Default or via command line. A builder can derive the target from the source.

__call__(self, env, target=None, source=None,...
    _execute(self, env, target, source,...
        #in this targets are derived from sources if needed
        tlist, slist = self._create_nodes(env, target, source)
        if executor is None:
            executor = SCons.Executor.Executor(self.action, env, [],...
        for t in tlist:
            t.cwd = env.fs.getcwd()
        return SCons.Node.NodeList(tlist)

Builders are in the BUILDERS Environment variable.

The global function Command creates a builder and executes it. It also takes python functions as actions.

The executor will also scan for implicit dependencies using scanner functions taking node,env,path and returning File nodes. Add new scanners with the global Scanner factory function taking scannerfunc,name,optionalarg,skeys,..., skeys being a list of suffixes. Scanners are collected in the SCANNERS environment variable.

Scons Commands in Vim

Vim with python interpreter integrated can be used to experiment with SCons.

The following injects the SCons globals into the current (Vim) python.

import sys
class global_injector:
    def __init__(self):
            self.__dict__['builtin'] = sys.modules['__builtin__'].__dict__
        except KeyError:
            self.__dict__['builtin'] = sys.modules['builtins'].__dict__
    def __setattr__(self,name,value):
        self.builtin[name] = value
    def update(self,d):
Global = global_injector()

def gscons():
    from SCons.Script.SConscript import BuildDefaultGlobals

    from SCons.Defaults import DefaultEnvironment
    env = DefaultEnvironment()

    from SCons.Node.FS import FS
    env.fs = FS()


Command returns a node list. A Node has a build() method.

tsttxt = Command('tst.txt',[],'touch tst.txt')

The following will only work once, because SCons caches the file system call results. Repeat gscons();tsttxt=..., then it creates tst.txt again.

from SCons.Taskmaster import Taskmaster
from SCons.Job import Jobs
jobs = Jobs(1, taskmaster)

A SCons Example

My example here uses bottle SimpleTemplate to create a c file for a shared library and a test program for that library.


from bottle import SimpleTemplate

def simple(target,source,env):
    for s,t in zip(source,target):
        with open(t.path,'w') as f: f.write(st.render())

stpl = lambda fl: Command(fl,[f+'.stpl' for f in fl],simple)
stpl('funi.h funi.c tst.cpp'.split())



#pragma once
#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
    #ifdef __GNUC__
      #define DLL_PUBLIC __attribute__ ((dllexport))
      #define DLL_PUBLIC __declspec(dllexport)
    #ifdef __GNUC__
      #define DLL_PUBLIC __attribute__ ((dllimport))
      #define DLL_PUBLIC __declspec(dllimport)
  #define DLL_LOCAL
  #if __GNUC__ >= 4
    #define DLL_PUBLIC __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
    #define DLL_LOCAL  __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")))
    #define DLL_PUBLIC
    #define DLL_LOCAL

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
%for i in range(4):
int func{{i}}(int a);
#ifdef __cplusplus


#include "funi.h"
%for i in range(4):
int func{{i}}(int a)
    if (a < {{i}})
        return a;
    return {{i}};


#include <iostream>
#include "funi.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
    %for i in range(4):
        cout << func{{i}}(2) << endl;
    return 0;

A variation of this with variant_dir I've posted as answer to this question.

Comparison with Make

Make despite its flaws < whatswrongwithgnumake >  is the predominant build automation system. Let's look at a simple Makefile.

SOURCES=$(wildcard *.c)

SCons knows about most variables and they have default values that work on most platforms. You can replace or add to them like this.


For the following you would use Default.

all: $(TARGET)

SCons can derive the target name from the source name, and it also knows how to build the target. So there is no need to provide the command.

        $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^

%.o: %.c %.h
        $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $<

can be

o = Object('a.c b.c c.c'.split())

but because of the internal knowledge it's enough to have.

Program('puttargethere','a.c b.c c.c'.split())


The global Configure method creates a SConfBase instance (see, whose methods allow to make checks on the system, like autoconf does.

With this we have the following analogy:

make configure && make && make install
scons configure && scons && scons install

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